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Publish in our publication series

Does your current research relate to topics such as young people and their living conditions, youth cultures, life courses of young people, transitions and work, youth participation and youth work? If it does, the publication series of Finnish Youth Research Society is an excellent publication channel for various kind of papers. 

The Finnish Youth Research Society encourages authors and editors to include not only scientific content but also other content such as commentary, perspective texts, speeches or artistic content. These can be written by researchers as well as by other authors, including young people. However, the main focus of the manuscripts offered should be on scientific research. 

Our main publication language is Finnish, but we also publish in Swedish and English. The Finnish Youth Research Society does not charge any fees for publications. 

The sub-series of the Finnish Youth Research Society’s publication series are: 

Peer-reviewed publications series: 

The series publishes peer-reviewed scientific monographs and edited volumes, as well as articles based on doctoral theses. Publishing decisions are made by the editors of the series on the basis of a peer review, and on the recommendation of the Publications Committee.  

The series is peer-reviewed by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.) and follows the peer-review guidelines of (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.) the TSV and the Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.). The publications are evaluated as Jufo Level 1 (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.)

The openness of sub-series publications is agreed on a publication-by-publication basis. As a general guideline, the Finnish Youth Research Society aims to ensure open access to its publications, and we follow the Academy of Finland’s principles of open publishing. Open access publications are available online on 

For more information about the instructions and guidelines for the publishing processes, please contact our Editors-in-Chiefs of the series: 

Research reports and studies sub-series 

The publications in this series are research and development reports and studies. The series is a channel for the publication of various project reports, and the publications in this series are not peer reviewed. Publication is agreed with the Research Director, who coordinates the series. 

If you consider submitting a publication to the Research Reports and Studies series, please contact Eila Kauppinen, Research Director,

All publications in the Research Reports and Studies sub-series are immediately available online in an open access format. A publication of printed version will be agreed separately.