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Competition for Youth Research Theses 2024

Have you written a thesis on young people or youth, or do you know someone who has? The Finnish Youth Research Society is looking for high-quality theses and will reward the best ones with the Youth Research Thesis Awards.

Since 2013, the competition has been divided into two categories: one for universities and another for universities of applied sciences. The theses from universities of applied sciences are also divided into two separate categories, one for Bachelor’s and another for Master’s theses, which alternate each year.  In 2024, Master’s theses can be entered into the competition.

The winners in each category will be awarded EUR 1000, and two theses in each category will also receive an honorable mention. The prize-giving will take place at the Finnish Youth Research Society’s annual meeting in late 2024.

Theses meeting the below criteria can be entered into the competition:


The thesis has been accepted as a master’s thesis at a Finnish university between 1.6.2023 and 14.6.2024 (written in one of the national languages or English) and has received a grade of at least magna cum laude or 4. Theses that have been previously entered may not be re-entered this year.

The discipline of the thesis is not restricted, but it should have a Youth Research approach, meaning that:

  • At least one of the central themes of the thesis must be a phenomenon which is important in the lives of young people, its target group should be young people, or it should discuss youth as a phase of life.
  • The thesis must have a clear connection to the current debate on youth research.

Universities of applied sciences

The Bachelor’s thesis has been accepted as a thesis at a Finnish university of applied sciences between 1.6.2022 and 14.6.2024 (written in one of the national languages or English). It has received a grade of at least 4. Theses that have been previously entered may not re-enter this year.

  • For a thesis to be accepted into the competition it must focus on young people, youth or those working with young people.
  • In addition, a phenomenon which has great importance for youth work and/or youth policy, or discussion on developing youth work or youth policy should also be a central theme in the thesis.  

In unclear cases, the jury appointed by the Board of the Finnish Youth Research Society will decide whether or not a thesis that has been entered meets the above criteria.


The thesis must reach the Finnish Youth Research Society at the latest on Sunday 16th of June 2024. The thesis can be sent in by the author or by his/her supervisor, as long as the author agrees to take part.

The thesis must be sent electronically with an online Lyyti-form (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.).

The following details are to be submitted with the thesis:

  • author’s personal and contact details (email address and telephone number)
  • name of the institution, the supervisor of the thesis, the grade given to the thesis and the date when it was officially accepted
  • abstract  

Data protection

By participating in this competition, the author gives their consent to the publication of the thesis on the Finnish Youth Research Society’s website if the thesis is awarded, and to the storage of the information about the thesis in the register of thesis competitions maintained by the Youth Research Association. The information in the register will not be disclosed to third parties.

Read more about how personal information is used from the Privacy statement for theses competition.

Further information

The board secretary Jenni Lahtinen
Finnish Youth Research Society

Finnish Youth Research Society promotes multidisciplinary youth research in Finland. The society conducts research activity through its affiliated Youth Research Network. Membership in the Society is open to people who have studied or are interested in youth research or research considering adolescence.

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