The open research seminar is a forum organised by the Finnish Youth Research Society, aiming to promote youth research nationally and in a multidisciplinary way. The core purpose is to offer an open discussion platform for youth researchers and to support independent research work. At the same time the seminar functions as support for researcher education in the youth field.
The open research seminar has functioned since the foundation of the network in 1999. The open research seminar meets about 1–3 times per year.
Who can participate?
Participation in open research seminar gatherings is mainly open for everyone interested in the discussed topics. The seminars are advertised in the Finnish Youth Research Society, where also requests for discussion themes and working papers are made.
The open research seminar is not solely meant for researchers working in Finnish Youth Research Society projects, but instead also other youth researchers can offer working papers for discussion, regardless of the phase of research. The researcher seminar is meant for both experienced researchers and doctoral dissertation writers.
Which themes?
Open research seminars are theme based: the aim is to group discussed topics thematically.
How do we work?
Open research seminar activity is strongly based on discussion and peer review. Seminar work is mainly founded on analysing the researchers’ own working papers. Occasionally visiting experts from various fields attend the sessions and share their views.
The open research seminar is open for deliberation on the problematics or questions of various research topics, research data and approaches. Participants can bring e.g. a research plan, article manuscript, conference paper or parts of a manuscript, which need comments from a multidisciplinary researcher group. The open research seminar also offers the possibility to request comments from visiting experts.

Sofia Laine
PhD, title of docent in Youth Research (University of Tampere)
Research Professor
+358 44 416 5374

Tuuli Pitkänen
PhD, Adjunct professor
Research Manager
+358 41 517 8678