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Migrant Men’s Well-Being in Diversity

In public debates and in the media, young migrant men (YMM) frequently feature as a problematic group: They are regarded as failing in the education system, potentially upholding sexist attitudes and exhibiting violent and criminal behaviour.

A cooperative research project “Migrant Men’s Well-Being in Diversity (MiMen)” focused on the subjective well-being of young men who have migrated from regions outside the European Union. In each partner country, qualitative data was collected through 50 thematic interviews with migrant men. The project data wes analysed both at national level and internationally in a comparative perspective. The project was coordinated by Germany (CDJ Eutin), with Finland, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Italy, France and the Czech Republic as partners.

The project was co-financed by the European Commission (EC) in the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals (EIF) and ran from 2014 to 2015.

Researchers: Leena Suurpää, Antti Kivijärvi

Final synthesis report: Experiences of Young Migrant Men and Their Well-Being. An Empirical Study from Seven European Countries.

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