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Arseniy Svynarenko

+358 50 328 34 65

The central themes of my research are youth identities and youth cultures in Finland, Ukraine and Russia. Currently, I work in DECA research project’s working group, which examines the availability, reception and production of information from the perspective of Finland’s significant language minorities, and focus especially on Ukrainian- and Russian-speaking young people who have recently arrived in Finland.


1. Articles in refereed international scientific journals

Koivusalo, M., Svynarenko, A., Mbare, B. et al. (2024) Globalization, platform work, and wellbeing—a comparative study of Uber drivers in three cities: London, Helsinki, and St Petersburg. Global Health 20, 18.

Svynarenko, A., Honkatukia, P., (2018) Intergenerational encounters on the metro: Young people’s perspectives on social control in the media city, Emotion, Space and Society,

Svynarenko, A., Côté, J., Helve, H., Sinisalo-Juha, E., Mizokami, S., Roberts, S. & Nakama, R. (2017) Identity Horizons Among Finnish Postsecondary Students: A Comparative Analysis, Identity, 17:3: 191-206,

Svynarenko A. (2005) Den politiska kulturen i det nya Ukraina: en generationsanalys,  Nordisk østforum no.1 2005 (in Swedish)

2. Articles in refereed international scientific edited volumes and refereed international scientific conference proceedings

Svynarenko A. (2013) Regional Identities Future Expectations and Work Values in H.Helve and K.Evans (eds) Youth and Work Transitions in Changing Social Landscapes London: Tufnell Press

Svynarenko A. (2007) Conquering Space and Mobilizing the Nation: the specifics of the use of information technologies by the young generation of Russians, Forum 21- European Journal on Youth Policy. Council of Europe

Svynarenko, A (2001) National, Political and Cultural Identities of Youth: Tendencies in Post-Soviet Ukraine, in H.Helve and C.Wallace, eds.: Youth, Citizenship and Empowerment, Aldershot: Ashgate

Svynarenko, A., Helve, H., (2001) European Identities: a comparative research on identities and citizenship of young people in Northern and Southern EU countries. in Young People and Europe. IRESCO, ULISS : France

Svynarenko A. (2001) National Identities of Young people in Ukraine: Continuities and Discontinuities in a Country in Transition, in Youth Research in Europe: the next generation. Perspectives on transitions: Identities and citizenship, Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing.

3. Articles in refereed Finnish scientific journals

Svynarenko, A. (2014)  Työperäinen muuttoliike Ukrainasta, Idäntutkimus 1/2014 (in Finnish)

Svynarenko A. (2005) Ukrainan uudistuspolitiikka valinkauhassa, Idäntutkimus 3/2005 (in Finnish)

Svynarenko A. (2005) Ukraina oranssin vallankumouksen jälkeen, Economic Trends, Tilastokeskus, 2/2005 (in Finnish)

Svynarenko, A., Jänis-Isokangas, I., Palonkorpi, M., Smith, H. (2004) Venäjän kansallispatrioottinen vaihtoehto? Idäntutkimus, Helsinki: Suomen Venäjän ja Itä-Euroopan tutkimuksen seura 2004:2 (in Finnish)

4. Articles in refereed Finnish scientific edited volumes and refereed Finnish scientific conference proceedings

Svynarenko A. (2021)  Upgrading the Image of the Russian Armed Forces: A Task Set for Military-Political Training in K. Pynnöniemi The Nexus of Patriotism and Militarism in Russia: A Quest for Internal Coherence. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press (Available online)

Svynarenko, A., Sablina, A. (2019) Mobile Gaming, Digital Sociality and Control, in Johanna Sumiala & Annaliina Niitamo (eds.) Youth in the Media City. Belonging and Control on the Move. Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Society. (Available online)

Svynarenko, A., (2015) The Situation of Young People in Armenia in Mikko Palonkorpi (ed.) The South Caucasus beyond Borders, Boundaries and Division Lines, Turku: Juvenes Print

Svynarenko A. (2007) Building Ukraine’s Political Nation: a Borderland between the East and West, in Markku Kangaspuro (ed.) Constructed Identities in Europe, Helsinki: Kikimora

Svynarenko A. (2007) The Interest Divide: Ukraine Facing East and West, in David Dusseault (ed.) The CIS: Form or Substance?, Helsinki: Kikimora

Svynarenko A. (2005) Growing to be a citizen: civil society and youth policies in Russian Karelia, in Harri Melin (ed.) Social Structure, Public Space and Civil Society in Karelia, Helsinki: Kikimora

Svynarenko A. (2005) Virtual Spaces for “Imagined Communities”: The Internet and Representations of the National Identities of Youth in Saint Petersburg, in Carsten Yndigegn, Peter Waara, Kari Paakkunainen (eds.) Internet, Interaction and Networking: Post-national Identities of Youth in Cities around the Baltic Sea, Helsinki: Kikimora

Svynarenko, A (1999) Sociocultural Identifications on the Threshold of the Epochs, in N.Pobeda (ed.) Youth Subculture, Odessa: Astroprint (in Russian: Свинаренко А.Н. Социокультурные идентификации на переломе времен // Молодежная субкультура/ Под ред. Н.А. Победы. – Одесса: АстроПринт, 1999. – С. 143-159.)

5. Other scientific publications

Svynarenko A., Koptsyukh, A. (2024) Ukrainians in Finland who fled the war: their registration in municipalities of residence and their future plans. Publications of the Ministry of the Interior 2024:8,

Svynarenko A., Koptsyukh, A. (2022) The situation of Ukrainians in Finland who fled the war: Survey results. Publications of the Ministry of the Interior 2022:34

Svynarenko, A. (2016) The Russian demography problem and the armed forces: Trends and challenges until 2035, Finnish Defence Research Agency. (Available online)

Svynarenko, A. (2014) Ukraine after Euromaidan – country on the path of reforms in the conditions of deep economic and political crisis. The Baltic Rim Economies Reviews.  Issue #2, 2014, Pan-European Institute, University of Turku. (Available online)

Svynarenko A. (2006) Young generation of Russians: ideologies, opportunities and risks, speech presented to plenary session at seminar “Russia: Limits of Economic Growth and New Opportunities” organized by Working Group for Social Sciences under the Finnish-Russian Commission for Scientific and Technological Cooperation, 3, October 2006. (Available online)

Svynarenko A. (2004) Russia and Ukraine – brothers or neighbours? in “Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS):  Integration, Cooperation or Confrontation?” Russian Foreign Policy Project, Memo #2, June, 2004, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

Svynarenko, A., Pääkkonen E. (2004) Ukraina ei saa jäädä suurten naapureiden rajamaaks Helsingin sanomat, Helsinki: Sanoma Oy, 15.10.2004 (in Finnish)

Svynarenko A. (2004) Patriotic Opposition to President V. Putin?  in: Russian Elections 2003-2004, December 2003, at: at

Svynarenko A. (2003) 16-Year-Olds Won’t Vote This Time: Russian democrats attempt to bring adolescents to the ballot box  in: Russian Elections 2003-2004, December 2003, at: at

Svynarenko A. (2002) Methodological Approaches to the Study of Generations in Transition Societies, Social technologies: methodological  problems of development of social technologies in modern society, No 17, Odessa: Astroprint

Svynarenko, A. (2002) Methodological Approaches to the Study of Generations in Transition Societies International Sociological Association, Brisbane, Australia (ISA)

Svynarenko, A. (2001) The Problem of Generations in Ukraine, Ethnic history of peoples of Europe, No 9, Kyiv: UNISERV (in Ukrainian: Свинаренко А.М. Проблема поколінь в Україні // Етнічна історія народів   Європи: Збірник наукових праць. Випуск 9. – К.: УНІСЕРВ, 2001. – 140 с.)

Svynarenko, A. (1998) Intergenerational Diversities of the Strategies of Building Sociocultural Identities, Social technologies: actual problems of theory and practice, No 2-3, Kyiv-Zaporizhzija-Odessa: ETA-PRESS (in Ukrainian: Свинаренко А.М. Міжпоколінні відмінності стратегій побудови соціокультурних ідентифікацій // Соціальні технології: актуальні проблеми теорії та практики. Міжвузівський збірник наукових праць. Випуск 2-3.– Київ –Запоріжжя-Одеса: ЭТА-ПРЕСС, 1998. – С. 89-102.)

Svynarenko, A. (1997) Multilingualism and Ethnic Self-Identification (the case of southern Ukrainian region), in Kharkiv sociological readings-97, Kharkiv: Osnova (in Russian: Свинаренко А.Н. Полиязычность и этническиая самоидентификация (на примере Южноукраинского региона) // Харьковские социологические чтения-97, – Харьков:Основа, 1997. – С.403-405.)

Svynarenko, A., Podshivalkina, Valentyna (1997) Ethnic Identification and the Life Strategies of the Residents of Towns in Southern Ukrainian Region, in Ethno-national development in Ukraine and the state of Ukrainian ethnic in diasporas: substance, realities, conflict, problems and prognosis ahead of 21 century, Kyiv-Chernivtsi (in Ukrainian: Свинаренко А.М, Подшивалкіна В.І. (1997) Етнічна ідентифікація та життєві стратегії мешканців міст Південно-українського регіону // Етнонаціональний розвіток в Україні та стан української етничноості в діаспорі: сутність, реалії конфліктності, проблеми та прогнози на порозі ХХІ століття. –Київ-Чернівці, – C.311-312)

6. Other publications

Svynarenko, A. (2013) Ukrainan mielenosoitusten oranssi tausta. Verkkojulkaisu, joulukuu 17, 2013 

Svynarenko, A. (2013)  Mitä Ukrainan ja Venäjän joulukuinen sopimus tarkoittaa? Verkkojulkaisu, joulukuu 22, 2013

Svynarenko, A. (2012) The 2012 Parliamentary Election in Ukraine: Growing Radicalization in Ukrainian Politics Ukraine after the Orange Revolution.  Baltic Worlds.  Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) Södertörn University, Stockholm

Svynarenko, A. (2011) Vallan saleista selliin.  Julija Tymošenko: Ukrainan oranssin vallankumouksenvertauskuva. Jonanna Korhonen, Karina Jutila, Leena Koivisto (toim.) Muotokuvia – Naisia politiikan huipulta. Loimaa: Newprint. (1).pdf     

Svynarenko, A. (2008)Toistuuko Georgian konflikti Krimillä tai Transnistriassa? Helsingin sanomat, Helsinki: Sanoma Oy, 22.8.2008 (in Finnish)

Svynarenko, A., Pääkkonen E. (2004) Ukraina ei saa jäädä suurten naapureiden rajamaaks Helsingin sanomat, Helsinki: Sanoma Oy, 15.10.2004 (in Finnish)