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Youth Wiki

Youth Wiki logo.

The Youth Wiki is Europe’s online database in the area of national youth policies. There are currently 34 European countries taking part. The platform, which has been online since 2017, is a comprehensive database on national structures, policies and actions supporting young people. It has been recently updated to cover also the fields of action identified in the 2019-2027 EU Youth Strategy:

  1. Youth Policy
  2. Voluntary Activities
  3. Employment and Entrepreneurship
  4. Social Inclusion
  5. Participation
  6. Education and Training
  7. Health and Well-being
  8. Creativity and Culture
  9. Youth and the World
  10. Youth work

The main objective of the Youth Wiki is to promote European cooperation in the field of youth and to support evidence-based decision-making. It achieves this by providing coherent, reliable and comparable information on national policies in support of young people, in a user-friendly and easy-to-update way. Besides the qualitative descriptions written in the chapters by national correspondents, there are also comparative maps for example about how youth participation is supported in different countries. To be able to offer comparisons based on qualitative data describing the situation of young people in different countries is seen to be one of the most meaningful reason to have this kind of database.

Data Production

At the European level Youth Wiki is coordinated by DG Education and Culture of the European Commission in the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.

The information of the chapters is regularly updated by designated national correspondents. In Finland writing takes place at Finnish Youth Research Society by Anu Gretschel. Regarding proposals for the update, please contact by email.


The Youth Wiki is funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ Programme and Ministry of Culture and Education.

Important links:

European Youth Portal

Essi Holopainen

Master of Social Sciences

Profile of the researcher