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Proposal for a framework for planetary youth research published in Youth and Globalization

A proposal for a framework for planetary youth research by Sofia Laine, Research Professor at the Finnish Youth Research Society, has been published in the scientific journal Youth and Globalization (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.). The peer-reviewed scientific article New Framework Proposal: Planetary Youth Research (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.) is openly available online. Planetary Youth Research (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.) is Research Professor Laine’s opening and approach to youth research, which examines youth and adolescence in relation to the planetary boundaries and sustainable wellbeing. Laine’s framework for planetary youth research is built around four dimensions:

I The first dimension calls for the ability to identify with future generations: it encourages to prioritise the interests of young people and future generations in all decision-making. Laine sees youth studies as a key discipline for achieving this goal.

II The second dimension is to strengthen universal awareness and world communities. From the perspective of youth studies, this involves, among other things, methodological cosmopolitanism, decolonisation of knowledge production, and a global youth studies that gives more space to the Global South in youth studies.

III The third dimension underlines the importance of changing our relationship with nature: we must actively work towards a more harmonious, balanced relationship with nature. In youth research, this means, for example, integrating indigenous knowledge, ecofeminist research or sensous knowledge into knowledge production.

IV The fourth dimension encourages a new environmental ethics based on a fair economy within planetary boundaries, while building sustainable wellbeing for all living beings. In this dimension, youth research is oriented, for example, towards eco-social wellbeing, i.e. balancing activity, emotions and rest – caring for oneself and the planet, simultaneously.

Network for Planetary Youth Research

Research Professor Sofia Laine invites everyone interested to join the global or Finnish networks on this topic and to collaborate. If you would be interested, please contact her.

The next international event around this topic will take place at the Nordic Youth Research Symposium NYRIS2024 – Youth in a Just and Fair World (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.). The working group Planetary youth research and young people’s climate emotions (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.) is led by Sofia Laine and well distinguished eco-emotions researcher Panu Pihkala. Call for abstracts is open until 19th January, welcome!

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Sofia Laine

PhD, title of docent in Youth Research (University of Tampere)
Research Professor
+358 44 416 5374

Profile of the researcher

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