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Research Networks

There are independent sub-networks promoting youth research within the Finnish Youth Research Society.

YUNET – the Finnish University Network for Youth Studies

YUNET – the Finnish University Network for Youth Studies – is a cooperation project between six university units and the Finnish Youth Research Society. Founded in 2007, the goal of YUNET is to promote high quality teaching and research with a focus on young people by combining resources of its member universities and the Finnish Youth Research Network.

YUNET complements youth studies education nationally by arranging and coordinating education on Bachelor’s and Master’s level for the students of its member universities. Teaching in the network is arranged via online courses and flexible study modules.

The current members of YUNET are the Finnish Youth Research Society and Universities of Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Oulu, Tampere, and Turku. The coordination unit of the network is located in the School of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Tampere.


The objective of the network is to collect, analyse and share information concerning characteristics and good practices of online councelling chat services that aim to support youth (<30) to overcome crisis with human help. The CHAT-YOUTH (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.) activity is starting in 2023 and welcomes new researchers, practisicians and decision makers. CHAT-YOUTH has recieved funding from ERASMUS+ KA220-YOU – Cooperation partnerships in youth. Read more (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.).

Hip hop in Finland: Genres and generations 

The research network Hip Hop in Finland: Genres and Generations (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.) is an initiative of the Finnish Youth Research Society.
The network was established in 2014 with an aim to provide both junior and senior scholars a cross-disciplinary platform for sharing, mapping, and developing research made in Finland that is related to hip hop culture in all its forms.

The network is in cooperation with Finnish Jazz and Pop Archive, the International Institute for Popular Culture, IASPM Norden, the Finnish Doctoral Programme for Music Research, and the University of Helsinki’s discipline of Social & Cultural Anthropology.

Nordic Network for Qualitative Longitudinal Youth Research – Nord-Lys

The Nordic Network for Qualitative Longitudinal Youth Research currently consists of members from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, but it is open for researchers also from other Nordic countries.

The Finnish Network for Girls’ Studies

The Finnish Network for Girls’ Studies (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.) was founded in 2006 as an independent sub-network of the Finnish Youth Research Network.

The goals of the network are to

  • bring together feminist researchers involved in girls’ studies
  • map and promote girls’ studies in Finnish universities
  • organize education and advance knowledge and visibility of girls’ studies in Finland
  • improve and support international academic co-operation

The network organizes research meetings and conference sessions and co-operates with FlickForsk! Nordic Network on Girlhood Studies (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.).