Youth Work Centres of Expertice are consortia appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture to develop youth skills and expertise at national level. Their mission is to “develop and promote knowledge, expertise and the flow of information in the youth field”, in line with the Ministry’s objective. In total, there are six centres of excellence for the period 2020-2023, of which the Finnish Youth Research Society is involved in two. Our role in the Centres of Excellence is to produce reliable research data that can be used for development.
For more information on the centres of excellence in the youth field, see the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Municipal Youth Work Development Network Kanuuna (Cannon)
The Centre of Excellence for Youth Work in Municipalities aims to strengthen the knowledge and cooperation in the field of municipal youth work, increase the visibility of the work, and develop and model the evaluation of the quality of municipal youth work and the production of information. The Centre of Excellence is coordinated by the Kanuuna network, managed by the City of Lahti, and involves five co-organisers in addition to the Youth Research Association: the University of Applied Sciences of South-East Finland, Juvenia – Youth Research and Development Centre, Koordinaatti (City of Oulu), MIELI Suomen Mielenterveys ry, Preventive substance abuse work EHYT ry and Kanuuna (City of Lahti).
More information on the Kanuuna Centre of Excellence.
The center of expertice Nuoska – Youth work at schools and educational institutions
The center of expertice Nuoska maps the current state of youth work in schools and educational institutions and develops regionally and nationally applicable youth work models for schools and educational institutions. The Centre for Youth Research and Development Juvenia of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences coordinates Nuoska’s activities, and in addition to the Nuorisotutkimusseura, the Centre of Excellence also includes the Preventive Drunkenness Association Ehyt ry, Folkhälsan förbund rf, Förening Luckan rf, Mieli Suomen Mielenterveys ry, the Development Centre Opinkirjo, the Kanuuna network, the City of Vantaa and Åbo Akademi.
More information about the center of expertice Nuoska.
- Start year:
- 2020
- End year:
- 2023
Hankkeen tutkijat

Antti Kivijärvi
Doctor of Social Sciences
Senior Researcher
040 062 4689

Eila Kauppinen
Doctor of Philosophy (Education), PhD
Research Director
+358 44 416 5335