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Youth Barometer 2018. Influence On The Edge Of Europe. Summary

Youth Barometer studies the values, well-being and everyday life of young people aged 15–29 who live in Finland. It has been carried out annually since 1994.

The Youth Barometer 2018 is on the theme of politics and influence in Europe. According to the results, the young people have chiefly participated by voting, with purchase decisions and by discussing political issues. 66 per cent of the young people feel that membership of the European Union has been of benefit to Finland. The share is now at its highest level in the history of the Youth Barometer.

Tomi Kiilakoski ja Sami Myllyniemi
Julkaisun numero:
Publications of the State Youth Council (print), no. 63, Finnish Youth Research Society, Finnish Youth Research Network, Internet Publications 143 Finnish Youth Research Society, Finnish Youth Research Network, Internet Publications 143
ISSN 2489-9461 (print), ISSN 2489-947X (online)
978-952-7175-91-0 (PDF, online), 978-952-7175-90-3 (print)